In this article we take a look at resource tagging by exploring how Decodable’s fully-managed data streaming platform helps enterprises implement their real-time data flows effectively while at the same time stay on top of the ever growing number of resources.
Managing Resources at Scale is Hard
Managing resources of any type at scale becomes incredibly challenging over time. In particular, in large enterprise environments resources related to end-to-end data flows—such as data source and sink connections or stream processing jobs—often number in the hundred thousands, encompassing diverse types, purposes, and owners. Without a structured way to categorize and describe these resources, locating specific items becomes time-consuming and costly. Traditional organizational methods, such as hierarchical folders, are rigid and quickly become unwieldy as the system grows. This lack of flexibility makes it difficult to apply bulk actions or monitor usage effectively. At some point, ensuring visibility, accountability, and efficiency when working across large resource pools is nearly impossible.
Tagging For the Win
Tagging is a simple yet powerful method for organizing and managing resources of any type. One of the primary benefits of tagging is its flexibility. Unlike traditional hierarchical categorization systems—typically composed of a closed set of pre-defined terms to choose from—tagging allows for multiple, arbitrary labels to be applied to a single resource, reflecting its multifaceted nature. By associating tags with resources, users can quickly categorize and describe them based on shared attributes.
Tags also enhance the discoverability of resources. They serve as metadata that can be indexed and searched, enabling users to effectively and efficiently locate resources based on specific criteria by means of filtering, sorting, and potentially suggesting related resources. In collaborative environments, tagging allows teams to share a common vocabulary, making shared resources more accessible and helping users maintain consistency.
Tags in Decodable are expressed as key/value pairs and conceptually inspired by how labels are used in Kubernetes. When tagging Decodable resources, the following rules apply for keys and values:
- Keys and values are interpreted as case-sensitive strings.
- Keys must start with a letter, followed by up to 62 characters that can be letters, numbers, dashes, or underscores.
- Keys must be unique for a given resource.
- Values are optional and can be arbitrary strings up to 255 characters.
- A single resource can have at most 20 tags i.e. key/value pairs attached to it.
Decodable resources can be queried from within the web UI as well as the CLI based on a subset of SQL expressions like the following:
Checking for (in)equality of a tag key’s value:
- <span class="inline-code">my_key = 'some_value'</span>
- <span class="inline-code">my_key != 'some_value'</span> (inequality can also be expressed using <>)
Checking for partial matches (e.g. pre-/suffix) of a tag key’s value:
- <span class="inline-code">my_key LIKE 'some_%'</span>
- <span class="inline-code">my_key LIKE '%_value'</span>
Checking for a tag key’s value to be (not) in defined list of values:
- <span class="inline-code">my_key IN ('some_value_a','some_value_b')</span>
- <span class="inline-code">my_key NOT IN ('some_value_a','some_value_b')</span>
Checking for tag key existence irrespective of whether there is a value or not:
- <span class="inline-code">my_key</span>
- <span class="inline-code">my_key=''</span>
Multiple conditions can be combined using the boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT. You can use parentheses to explicitly define operator precedence where necessary.
Working with Tags in the Web UI
Inspecting Tags
Tags can be inspected in the Decodable web UI in two different places. First, for each of the resource kinds, namely Connections, Streams, Pipelines, and Secrets attached tags are shown in the tabular listing. For Connections this looks as follows:

Second, in the main view (i.e. Monitoring tab) of a specific resource like a Pipeline, tags are shown right below the other metadata such as the name, ID and description:

For a single Secret, you can explore and maintain tags in the “Edit Secret” dialog like so:

Adding / removing tags
After creating Decodable resources like Pipelines, Connections, or Streams tags can be added by clicking the “Add” button in the tags section found in the main view of a resource:

To remove any of the existing tags for a resource, you click the “x” symbol to the right of the tag in question:

For Secrets, tags can be added or removed directly in the “Edit Secret” dialog during or after the creation of a specific Secret:

Tag-based Search
For each Decodable resource kind, the tabular listing exposes a “Search tags” field to match resources based on the entered SQL expression:

Decodable's web UI provides a simple graphical interface to manipulate individual tags for single resources and to query resources based on tags. This notwithstanding, there are certain tag-related use cases which are better addressed by other means. For instance, adding/removing multiple tags at once, tagging several resources right at creation time, or applying operations onto resources matching tag-based search expressions are all examples, where declarative resource management and the Decodable CLI shine.
Working with Tags in Declarative Resource Definitions
Defining tags
Each Decodable resource kind supports tags as part of its YAML metadata block. This means other than for the web UI, you can define multiple tags already at creation time of the resource in question.
Using the Decodable CLI, any such YAML manifests can be applied using <span class="inline-code">decodable apply your_resource_definitions.yaml</span>.
Modifying tags
At the moment, the CLI doesn’t expose separate commands to directly add or remove tags from resources. You can instead query for resources to retrieve their declarative definitions, make the necessary changes to their tags and then apply the resulting resource definitions.
Let’s assume an existing Decodable connection has been identified with the command <span class="inline-code">decodable query --name "ecom_pg_source" --export</span> and shows the following declarative resource definition:
If you want to change the <span class="inline-code">context</span> tag’s value to become <span class="inline-code">prod</span> and add a new tag (key: <span class="inline-code">purpose</span>, value: <span class="inline-code">use-case-1</span>) for this resource you can use e.g. the <span class="inline-code">yq</span> tool to post-process the exported YAML and then apply the result like so:
If you now query the same resource again using <span class="inline-code">decodable query --name "ecom_pg_source" --export</span> you are expected to see the modified tags:
Execute operations based on tags
Tag-based search has already been briefly shown as part of the web UI experience. Similarly, querying for resources based on SQL expressions which refer to tags can be done using the CLI. You can even take things further and apply operations onto the resources which matched the tag-based query.
Let’s say you want to deactivate i.e. stop all of your resources which have a tag <span class="inline-code">domain=ecommerce</span> and for which another tag with key <span class="inline-code">purpose</span> has either <span class="inline-code">use-case-1</span> or <span class="inline-code">use-case-2</span> as a value. You can do this conveniently with a single CLI command like this:
Pretending this query matched four Decodable resources (two Connections and two Pipelines), all of which have been running before executing the above command, you’re expected to get output signaling that these resources have been deactivated:
Whenever you need to get something done that’s neither directly supported by declarative resource management nor the CLI itself you can always combine some of the available building blocks with a bit of custom scripting. A concrete example would be to come up with an easy way to clear all streams which are part of one specific end-to-end data flow as you iteratively develop on a new use case. While the CLI allows you to clear streams there is currently no option to combine this with tag-based search. However, you could do the following to achieve your goal:
1. Come up with a CLI query to identify all required resources of kind Stream based on a tag query expression:
2. Run the output through a YAML processing tool like yq to extract only the plain IDs for all matched streams:
3. Put a loop around this and run the CLI command to clear all matched streams based on their respective IDs:
Check out this quick demo of tagging in action.
This article highlighted the importance of resource tagging, an essential enterprise feature of data streaming platforms. We have explored how Decodable’s fully managed data streaming platform provides first-class support for tagging to keep real-time data flows manageable at scale. We have seen how tags can be conveniently used in the web UI or via the Decodable CLI as part of declarative resource management.
Interested in trying resource tagging for yourself? Sign up for a free Decodable trial today and start tagging resources!