
MongoDB CDC Overview

MongoDB® is a NoSQL document database used for high-volume data storage. As a document store, MongoDB makes use of collections and documents rather than tables and rows. It offers a flexible data model for storing JSON-like data, and provides indexing, replication.

The traditional approach to syncing MongoDB with complementary data stores is batch-based, where pipelines extract data from MongoDB and send it to downstream data stores. Change data capture (CDC) is a modern alternative to inefficient bulk imports. CDC extracts change events (INSERTs, UPDATEs, and DELETEs) in real-time from data stores, such as MongoDB, and provides them to downstream systems which can be applied to a copy of the data.

Decodable + MongoDB CDC

Decodable can take input from a MongoDB database as a source using the MongoDB CDC (Change Data Capture) connector which converts table changes into a stream of change records. Decodable can be a super convenient means to replicate the contents of a MongoDB database into a range of systems including messaging such as Kafka, analytical databases such as Apache Pinot, or machine learning feature stores. Decodable's SQL-on-the-stream transformation process also includes data virtualization on change streams so you're processing against the table, not the change records.

Let's get decoding

Decodable is free. No CC required. Never expires.