July 18, 2024
min read

Sending Data to Apache Iceberg from Apache Kafka with Apache Flink

Robin Moffatt
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Sending Data to Apache Iceberg from Apache Kafka with Apache Flink

Sometimes it's not possible to have too much of a good thing, and whilst this blog may look at first-glance rather similar to the one that I published just recently, today we're looking at a 100% pure Apache solution. Because who knows, maybe you prefer rolling your own tech stacks instead of letting Decodable do it for you ๐Ÿ˜‰.

Apache Iceberg is an open-table format (OTF) which along with Delta Lake has been gaining a huge amount of traction in recent months. Supported by most of the big platformsโ€”including now, notably, Databricks with their acquisition of Tabularโ€”it's proving popular in "Data Lakehouse" implementations. This splices the concept of data lake (chuck it all in an object store and worry about it later) with that of a data warehouse (y'know, a bit of data modeling and management wouldn't be entirely the worst idea ever). Apache Hudi and Apache Paimon are also part of this cohort, although with less apparent traction so far.

Let's look at implementing a very common requirement: taking a stream of data in Kafka and writing it to Iceberg. Depending on your pipeline infrastructure of choice you might decide to do this using Kafka Connect, or as is the case commonly these days, Apache Flinkโ€”and that's what we're going to look at here. Using Flink SQL for streaming data to Iceberg also gives us the advantage of being able to do some transformation to the data directly with SQL.

tl;dr Create a Source; Create a Sink

Let's leave the messy and boring dependency prerequisites for later, and jump straight to the action. For now, all you need to know for getting data from Kafka to Iceberg with Flink SQL is that you need to do the following:ย 

  • Create a Kafka source table
  • Create an Iceberg sink table
  • Submit an <span class="inline-code">INSERT</span> that reads data from the Kafka source and writes it to the Iceberg sink

The Kafka source needs to declare the schema of the data in the topic, its serialisation format, and then configuration details about the topic and broker:

CREATE TABLE t_k_orders
     orderId          STRING,
     customerId       STRING,
     orderNumber      INT,
     product          STRING,
     backordered      BOOLEAN,
     cost             FLOAT,
     description      STRING,
     create_ts        BIGINT,
     creditCardNumber STRING,
     discountPercent  INT
  ) WITH (
    'connector'                    = 'kafka',
    'topic'                        = 'orders',
    'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'broker:29092',
    'scan.startup.mode'            = 'earliest-offset',
    'format'                       = 'json'

This is for reading a Kafka topic called <span class="inline-code">orders</span> with a payload that looks like this:

$ kcat -b broker:29092 -C -t orders -c1

    "create_ts": 1719830895031,
    "customerId": "e6658457-532f-6daa-c31b-7c136db250e0",
    "product": "Enormous Granite Table",
    "cost": 122.30769057331563,
    "creditCardNumber": "1211-1221-1234-2201",
    "backordered": false,
    "orderNumber": 0,
    "orderId": "f5e7256c-1572-b986-a4fc-ba22badac9cd",
    "discountPercent": 8,
    "description": "Alias eligendi quam perspiciatis quia eos quis tenetur."

Now to set up the Iceberg sink. We're going to combine it with an implicit <span class="inline-code">INSERT</span> and do it as a single piece of DDL. Before that, let's make sure that we get some data written to the files, by telling Flink to periodically checkpoint and flush the data to Iceberg:

SET 'execution.checkpointing.interval' = '60sec';

All that's left to do now is create the Iceberg table, using the <span class="inline-code">CREATE TABLEโ€ฆAS SELECT</span> syntax:

CREATE TABLE t_i_orders WITH (
	  'connector'     = 'iceberg',
	  'catalog-type'  = 'hive',
	  'catalog-name'  = 'dev',
	  'warehouse'     = 's3a://warehouse',
	  'hive-conf-dir' = './conf')
  AS SELECT * FROM t_k_orders;

This creates the table, and also a Flink SQL job:

|                           job id |                                                job name |  status |              start time |
| b26d89f20f2665f099609f616ef34d10 | insert-into_default_catalog.default_database.t_i_orders | RUNNING | 2024-07-01T12:30:47.098 |

Weโ€™re writing the Iceberg files to MinIO, which is a self-hosted S3-compatible object store. Once the job has checkpointed (which I've configured to happen every minute) I can see files appearing in the object store:

โฏ docker exec mc bash -c \
        "mc ls -r minio/warehouse/"
[2024-06-28 15:23:45 UTC] 6.3KiB STANDARD default_database.db/t_i_orders/data/00000-0-131b86c6-f4fc-4f26-9541-674ec3101ea8-00001.parquet
[2024-06-28 15:22:55 UTC] 2.0KiB STANDARD default_database.db/t_i_orders/metadata/00000-59d5c01b-1ab2-457b-9365-bf1cd056bf1d.metadata.json
[2024-06-28 15:23:47 UTC] 3.1KiB STANDARD default_database.db/t_i_orders/metadata/00001-5affbf21-7bb7-4360-9d65-d547211d63ab.metadata.json
[2024-06-28 15:23:46 UTC] 7.2KiB STANDARD default_database.db/t_i_orders/metadata/6bf97c2e-0e10-410f-8db8-c6cc279e3475-m0.avro
[2024-06-28 15:23:46 UTC] 4.1KiB STANDARD default_database.db/t_i_orders/metadata/snap-3773022978137163897-1-6bf97c2e-0e10-410f-8db8-c6cc279e3475.avro

So that's our writing to Iceberg set up and running. Now it's just Iceberg, so we can use any Iceberg-compatible tooling with it.

Examining the metadata with <span class="inline-code">pyiceberg</span>

A bunch of Parquet and Avro files in an object store aren't much use on their own; but combined they make up the Iceberg table format. A quick way to inspect them is with <span class="inline-code">pyiceberg</span> which offers a CLI. To use it you need to connect it to a catalogโ€”in my example I'm using the Hive MetaStore, so configure it thus:

export PYICEBERG_CATALOG__DEFAULT__URI=thrift://localhost:9083
export PYICEBERG_CATALOG__DEFAULT__S3__ENDPOINT=http://localhost:9000

Now we can find out about the Iceberg table directly:

$ pyiceberg schema default_database.t_i_orders
orderId           string
customerId        string
orderNumber       int
product           string
backordered       boolean
cost              float
description       string
create_ts         long
creditCardNumber  string
discountPercent   int

$ pyiceberg properties get table default_database.t_i_orders
hive-conf-dir                    ./conf
connector                        iceberg
write.parquet.compression-codec  zstd
catalog-type                     hive
catalog-name                     dev
warehouse                        s3a://warehouse

Querying Iceberg data with DuckDB

Having poked around the metadata, let's query the data itself. There are a variety of engines and platforms that can read Iceberg data, including Flink (obviously!), Apache Spark, Trino, Snowflake, Presto, BigQuery, and ClickHouse. Here I'm going to use DuckDB.

We'll install a couple of libraries that are needed; iceberg (can you guess why?!) and httpfs (because we're reading data from S3/MinIO):

INSTALL httpfs;
INSTALL iceberg;
LOAD httpfs;
LOAD iceberg;

Then we set up the connection details for the local MinIO instance:

    TYPE S3,
    KEY_ID 'admin',
    SECRET 'password',
    REGION 'us-east-1',
    ENDPOINT 'minio:9000',
    URL_STYLE 'path',
    USE_SSL 'false'

Finally, letโ€™s query the data. There's no direct catalog support in DuckDB yet so we have to point it directly at the Iceberg manifest file:

SELECT count(*) AS row_ct, 
       strftime(to_timestamp(max(create_ts)/1000),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') AS max_ts,
       AVG(cost) AS avg_cost, 
       MIN(cost) AS min_cost
 FROM iceberg_scan('s3://warehouse/default_database.db/t_i_orders/metadata/00015-a166b870-551b-4279-a9f9-ef3572b53816.metadata.json');
โ”‚ row_ct โ”‚       max_ts        โ”‚      avg_cost      โ”‚ min_cost  โ”‚
โ”‚ int64  โ”‚       varchar       โ”‚       double       โ”‚   float   โ”‚
โ”‚   1464 โ”‚ 2024-07-01 11:48:13 โ”‚ 115.64662482569126 โ”‚ 100.01529 โ”‚

Back to the start โ†ฉ๏ธ

Well that wasn't so bad, right? In fact, pretty simple, I would say. Create a table, create a sink, and off you go.

There are a few bits that I hugely skimmed over in my keenness to show you the Iceberg-y goodness which I'm now going to cover in more detail

  • When I created the sink the CTAS statement did a lot of heavy lifting in terms of its potential power, and I'm going to discuss that some more below
  • I presented my working Iceberg deployment as a fait accompli, when in reality it was the output of rather a lot of learning and random jiggling until I got it to workโ€”so I'm going to explain that bit too.

All the power of SQL ๐Ÿ’ช

Let's have a look at this innocuous CTAS that we ran above:

CREATE TABLE t_i_orders WITH (
	  'connector' = 'iceberg',
	  'warehouse' = 's3a://warehouse',
	  'hive-conf-dir' = './conf')
  AS SELECT * FROM t_k_orders;

It's doing several things, only one of which is particularly obvious:

  1. The obvious: creating a table with a bunch of Iceberg properties
  2. Less obvious (1): defining the schema for the Iceberg table implicitly as matching that of the source <span class="inline-code">t_k_orders</span>
  3. Less obvious (2): populating the Iceberg table with an unmodified stream of records fetched from Kafka

Looking at that final point though, we could do so much more. How about filtering for orders with a high cost value?

CREATE TABLE t_i_orders WITH (
	  'connector' = 'iceberg',
	   FROM t_k_orders
	  WHERE cost > 100;

Or customers who are VIPs?

CREATE TABLE t_i_orders WITH (
	  'connector' = 'iceberg',
       FROM t_k_orders 
      WHERE customerId IN (SELECT customerId 
				             FROM customers 
				            WHERE vip_status = 'Gold');

-- Do the same thing but using JOINs
CREATE TABLE t_i_orders WITH (
	  'connector' = 'iceberg',
  AS SELECT ko.* 
       FROM t_k_orders ko
		    customers c
		    ON ko.customerId = c.customerId
      WHERE c.vip_status = 'Gold';

We can also project a different set of columns, perhaps to extract just a subset of the fields needed for optimisation reasons:

CREATE TABLE t_i_orders WITH (
	  'connector' = 'iceberg',
  AS SELECT orderId, product, cost
       FROM t_k_orders;

Finally, we don't have to use CTAS. Perhaps you simply want to decouple the creation from the population, or you want to have multiple streams populating the same sink and keeping things separate is more logical. The above two examples combined might look like this:

-- Create the Iceberg sink. 
-- Using the LIKE syntax we can copy across the schema.
-- N.B. no data is sent to it at this point
CREATE TABLE t_i_orders WITH (
	  'connector' = 'iceberg',
	  'warehouse' = 's3a://warehouse',
	  'hive-conf-dir' = './conf')
  LIKE t_k_orders;

-- Now, send data to it
INSERT INTO t_i_orders
	   FROM t_k_orders
	  WHERE cost > 100;

-- Send more data to it
INSERT INTO t_i_orders
SELECT ko.* 
       FROM t_k_orders ko
		    customers c
		    ON ko.customerId = c.customerId
      WHERE c.vip_status = 'Gold';

The <span class="inline-code">INSERT</span> statements are streaming jobs that run continuously, as can be seen from the <span class="inline-code">SHOW JOBS</span> output:

|                           job id |                                                job name |   status |              start time |
| 949b0010858fdc29f5176b532b77dc50 | insert-into_default_catalog.default_database.t_i_orders |  RUNNING | 2024-07-01T15:47:01.183 |
| 66f2277aee439ae69ad7300a86725947 | insert-into_default_catalog.default_database.t_i_orders |  RUNNING | 2024-07-01T15:46:29.247 |

Finally, you could even combine the two <span class="inline-code">INSERT</span>s with a <span class="inline-code">UNION</span>:

INSERT INTO t_i_orders
	   FROM t_k_orders
	  WHERE cost > 100
SELECT ko.* 
       FROM t_k_orders ko
		    customers c
		    ON ko.customerId = c.customerId
      WHERE c.vip_status = 'Gold';

This gives us a single Flink job that looks like this:

Iceberg table properties

There are various properties that you can configure for an Iceberg table. In my example above I just specified the bare minimum and let everything else use its default.

You can specify additional properties when you create the table. For example, to change the format of the data files from the default of Parquet to ORC, set the <span class="inline-code">write.format.default</span>:

CREATE TABLE iceberg_test WITH (
    'connector' = 'iceberg',
    'warehouse' = 's3a://warehouse',
    'hive-conf-dir' = './conf',

Which when populated stores the data, as expected, in ORC format:

โฏ docker exec mc bash -c \
        "mc ls -r minio/warehouse/"
[2024-07-01 10:41:49 UTC]   398B STANDARD default_database.db/iceberg_test/data/00000-0-023674bd-dc7d-4249-8c50-8c1238881e57-00001.orc

You can also change the value after creation:

Flink SQL> ALTER TABLE iceberg_test SET ('write.format.default'='avro');
[INFO] Execute statement succeed.

or reset it to its default value:

Flink SQL> ALTER TABLE iceberg_test RESET ('write.format.default');
[INFO] Execute statement succeed.

Iceberg dependencies for Flink

As I explored (at length ๐Ÿ˜…) in several previous articles, you often need to add dependencies to Flink for it to work with other technologies. Whether it's formats (such as Parquet), catalogs (such as Hive), or connectors (such as Iceberg), juggling JARs is one of the most fun aspects of running Flink yourself. Of course, if you don't enjoy that kind of fun, you could just let Decodable do it for you.


To use Iceberg you need to have a catalog metastore. Catalogs in Flink can be a bit hairy to understand at first, but have a read of this primer that I wrote for a gentle yet thorough introduction to them.ย 

Iceberg can work with different catalogs (I explore several of them here), and in this blog article I've used the Hive Metastore (HMS).

To use the Hive metastore with Flink you need the Hive connector <span class="inline-code">flink-sql-connector-hive-3.1.3</span> which you can find on Maven repositoryโ€”make sure you use the correct one for your version of Flink.

As well as the Hive connector, you need Hadoop dependencies. I wrote about this elsewhere but you either install the full Hadoop distribution, or cherry-pick just the JARs needed.

You also need to configure <span class="inline-code">conf/hive-site.xml</span> so that Flink can find the Hive MetaStore:



Iceberg JARs

Iceberg support in Flink is provided by the <span class="inline-code">iceberg-flink-runtime</span> JAR. As with the catalog JAR, make sure you line up your versionsโ€”so in this case both Iceberg and Flink. For Iceberg 1.5.0 and Flink 1.18 I used iceberg-flink-runtime-1.18-1.5.0.jar

Object Store (S3)

Finally, since we're writing to data on S3-compatible MinIO, we need the correct JARs for that. I'm using <span class="inline-code">s3a</span>, which is provided by hadoop-aws-3.3.4.jar.ย 

Flink will also need to know how to authenticate to S3, and in the case of MinIO, how to find it. One way to do this is supply these details as part of <span class="inline-code">conf/hive-site.xml</span>:





Want the easy route?

(Of course, the really easy route is to use Decodable, where we do all of this for you. ๐Ÿ˜)

I've shared on the Decodable examples GitHub repo the following:

  • a Docker Compose so that you can run all of this yourself just by running <span class="inline-code">docker compose up</span>
  • a list of the specific JAR files that I used
  • and moreโ€ฆsample SQL statements, step-by-step README, and some other noodling around with Iceberg and catalogs for good measure.

What if you get in a jam with your JARs?

Here are the various errors (usually a <span class="inline-code">ClassNotFoundException</span>, but not always) that you can expect to see if you miss a JAR from your dependencies. The missing JAR shown is based on the following versions:

  • Flink 1.18
  • Hive 3.1.3
  • Iceberg 1.5.0
  • Hadoop 3.3.4

You can find out more here about locating the correct JAR to download and where to put it once you've downloaded it.

Error Missing JAR
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException aws-java-sdk-bundle-1.12.648.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.configuration2.Configuration commons-configuration2-2.1.1.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory commons-logging-1.1.3.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.NoSuchObjectException flink-sql-connector-hive-3.1.3_2.12-1.18.1.jar
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
Prevents the Flink jobmanager and taskmanager starting if not present, only happens if flink-sql-connector-hive-3.1.3_2.12-1.18.1.jar is present.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem not found hadoop-aws-3.3.4.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration hadoop-common-3.3.4.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.HdfsConfiguration hadoop-hdfs-client-3.3.4.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf hadoop-mapreduce-client-core-3.3.4.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: hadoop-shaded-guava-1.1.1.jar
org.apache.flink.table.api.ValidationException: Could not find any factory for identifier 'iceberg' that implements 'org.apache.flink.table.factories.DynamicTableFactory' in the classpath. Available factory identifiers are: blackhole datagen [โ€ฆ] iceberg-flink-runtime-1.18-1.5.0.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.codehaus.stax2.XMLInputFactory2 stax2-api-4.2.1.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: woodstox-core-5.3.0.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.datanucleus.NucleusContext This is a really fun oneโ€”I got it when Iโ€™d not configured hive.metastore.local in Flinkโ€™s conf/hive-site.xml


I've shown you in this blog post how to stream data from Kafka to Iceberg using purely open source tools. I used MinIO for storage, but it would work just the same with S3. The catalog I used was Hive Metastore, but there are othersโ€”such as AWS Glue.

If you want to try it out for yourself head to the GitHub repository, and if you want to try loading data from Kafka to Iceberg but don't fancy running Flink for yourself sign up for a free Decodable account today and give our fully managed service a go.

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Robin Moffatt

Robin is a Principal DevEx Engineer at Decodable. He has been speaking at conferences since 2009 including QCon, Devoxx, Strata, Kafka Summit, and ร˜redev. You can find many of his talks online and his articles on the Decodable blog as well as his own blog.

Outside of work, Robin enjoys running, drinking good beer, and eating fried breakfastsโ€”although generally not at the same time.

Sometimes it's not possible to have too much of a good thing, and whilst this blog may look at first-glance rather similar to the one that I published just recently, today we're looking at a 100% pure Apache solution. Because who knows, maybe you prefer rolling your own tech stacks instead of letting Decodable do it for you ๐Ÿ˜‰.

Apache Iceberg is an open-table format (OTF) which along with Delta Lake has been gaining a huge amount of traction in recent months. Supported by most of the big platformsโ€”including now, notably, Databricks with their acquisition of Tabularโ€”it's proving popular in "Data Lakehouse" implementations. This splices the concept of data lake (chuck it all in an object store and worry about it later) with that of a data warehouse (y'know, a bit of data modeling and management wouldn't be entirely the worst idea ever). Apache Hudi and Apache Paimon are also part of this cohort, although with less apparent traction so far.

Let's look at implementing a very common requirement: taking a stream of data in Kafka and writing it to Iceberg. Depending on your pipeline infrastructure of choice you might decide to do this using Kafka Connect, or as is the case commonly these days, Apache Flinkโ€”and that's what we're going to look at here. Using Flink SQL for streaming data to Iceberg also gives us the advantage of being able to do some transformation to the data directly with SQL.

tl;dr Create a Source; Create a Sink

Let's leave the messy and boring dependency prerequisites for later, and jump straight to the action. For now, all you need to know for getting data from Kafka to Iceberg with Flink SQL is that you need to do the following:ย 

  • Create a Kafka source table
  • Create an Iceberg sink table
  • Submit an <span class="inline-code">INSERT</span> that reads data from the Kafka source and writes it to the Iceberg sink

The Kafka source needs to declare the schema of the data in the topic, its serialisation format, and then configuration details about the topic and broker:

CREATE TABLE t_k_orders
     orderId          STRING,
     customerId       STRING,
     orderNumber      INT,
     product          STRING,
     backordered      BOOLEAN,
     cost             FLOAT,
     description      STRING,
     create_ts        BIGINT,
     creditCardNumber STRING,
     discountPercent  INT
  ) WITH (
    'connector'                    = 'kafka',
    'topic'                        = 'orders',
    'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'broker:29092',
    'scan.startup.mode'            = 'earliest-offset',
    'format'                       = 'json'

This is for reading a Kafka topic called <span class="inline-code">orders</span> with a payload that looks like this:

$ kcat -b broker:29092 -C -t orders -c1

    "create_ts": 1719830895031,
    "customerId": "e6658457-532f-6daa-c31b-7c136db250e0",
    "product": "Enormous Granite Table",
    "cost": 122.30769057331563,
    "creditCardNumber": "1211-1221-1234-2201",
    "backordered": false,
    "orderNumber": 0,
    "orderId": "f5e7256c-1572-b986-a4fc-ba22badac9cd",
    "discountPercent": 8,
    "description": "Alias eligendi quam perspiciatis quia eos quis tenetur."

Now to set up the Iceberg sink. We're going to combine it with an implicit <span class="inline-code">INSERT</span> and do it as a single piece of DDL. Before that, let's make sure that we get some data written to the files, by telling Flink to periodically checkpoint and flush the data to Iceberg:

SET 'execution.checkpointing.interval' = '60sec';

All that's left to do now is create the Iceberg table, using the <span class="inline-code">CREATE TABLEโ€ฆAS SELECT</span> syntax:

CREATE TABLE t_i_orders WITH (
	  'connector'     = 'iceberg',
	  'catalog-type'  = 'hive',
	  'catalog-name'  = 'dev',
	  'warehouse'     = 's3a://warehouse',
	  'hive-conf-dir' = './conf')
  AS SELECT * FROM t_k_orders;

This creates the table, and also a Flink SQL job:

|                           job id |                                                job name |  status |              start time |
| b26d89f20f2665f099609f616ef34d10 | insert-into_default_catalog.default_database.t_i_orders | RUNNING | 2024-07-01T12:30:47.098 |

Weโ€™re writing the Iceberg files to MinIO, which is a self-hosted S3-compatible object store. Once the job has checkpointed (which I've configured to happen every minute) I can see files appearing in the object store:

โฏ docker exec mc bash -c \
        "mc ls -r minio/warehouse/"
[2024-06-28 15:23:45 UTC] 6.3KiB STANDARD default_database.db/t_i_orders/data/00000-0-131b86c6-f4fc-4f26-9541-674ec3101ea8-00001.parquet
[2024-06-28 15:22:55 UTC] 2.0KiB STANDARD default_database.db/t_i_orders/metadata/00000-59d5c01b-1ab2-457b-9365-bf1cd056bf1d.metadata.json
[2024-06-28 15:23:47 UTC] 3.1KiB STANDARD default_database.db/t_i_orders/metadata/00001-5affbf21-7bb7-4360-9d65-d547211d63ab.metadata.json
[2024-06-28 15:23:46 UTC] 7.2KiB STANDARD default_database.db/t_i_orders/metadata/6bf97c2e-0e10-410f-8db8-c6cc279e3475-m0.avro
[2024-06-28 15:23:46 UTC] 4.1KiB STANDARD default_database.db/t_i_orders/metadata/snap-3773022978137163897-1-6bf97c2e-0e10-410f-8db8-c6cc279e3475.avro

So that's our writing to Iceberg set up and running. Now it's just Iceberg, so we can use any Iceberg-compatible tooling with it.

Examining the metadata with <span class="inline-code">pyiceberg</span>

A bunch of Parquet and Avro files in an object store aren't much use on their own; but combined they make up the Iceberg table format. A quick way to inspect them is with <span class="inline-code">pyiceberg</span> which offers a CLI. To use it you need to connect it to a catalogโ€”in my example I'm using the Hive MetaStore, so configure it thus:

export PYICEBERG_CATALOG__DEFAULT__URI=thrift://localhost:9083
export PYICEBERG_CATALOG__DEFAULT__S3__ENDPOINT=http://localhost:9000

Now we can find out about the Iceberg table directly:

$ pyiceberg schema default_database.t_i_orders
orderId           string
customerId        string
orderNumber       int
product           string
backordered       boolean
cost              float
description       string
create_ts         long
creditCardNumber  string
discountPercent   int

$ pyiceberg properties get table default_database.t_i_orders
hive-conf-dir                    ./conf
connector                        iceberg
write.parquet.compression-codec  zstd
catalog-type                     hive
catalog-name                     dev
warehouse                        s3a://warehouse

Querying Iceberg data with DuckDB

Having poked around the metadata, let's query the data itself. There are a variety of engines and platforms that can read Iceberg data, including Flink (obviously!), Apache Spark, Trino, Snowflake, Presto, BigQuery, and ClickHouse. Here I'm going to use DuckDB.

We'll install a couple of libraries that are needed; iceberg (can you guess why?!) and httpfs (because we're reading data from S3/MinIO):

INSTALL httpfs;
INSTALL iceberg;
LOAD httpfs;
LOAD iceberg;

Then we set up the connection details for the local MinIO instance:

    TYPE S3,
    KEY_ID 'admin',
    SECRET 'password',
    REGION 'us-east-1',
    ENDPOINT 'minio:9000',
    URL_STYLE 'path',
    USE_SSL 'false'

Finally, letโ€™s query the data. There's no direct catalog support in DuckDB yet so we have to point it directly at the Iceberg manifest file:

SELECT count(*) AS row_ct, 
       strftime(to_timestamp(max(create_ts)/1000),'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') AS max_ts,
       AVG(cost) AS avg_cost, 
       MIN(cost) AS min_cost
 FROM iceberg_scan('s3://warehouse/default_database.db/t_i_orders/metadata/00015-a166b870-551b-4279-a9f9-ef3572b53816.metadata.json');
โ”‚ row_ct โ”‚       max_ts        โ”‚      avg_cost      โ”‚ min_cost  โ”‚
โ”‚ int64  โ”‚       varchar       โ”‚       double       โ”‚   float   โ”‚
โ”‚   1464 โ”‚ 2024-07-01 11:48:13 โ”‚ 115.64662482569126 โ”‚ 100.01529 โ”‚

Back to the start โ†ฉ๏ธ

Well that wasn't so bad, right? In fact, pretty simple, I would say. Create a table, create a sink, and off you go.

There are a few bits that I hugely skimmed over in my keenness to show you the Iceberg-y goodness which I'm now going to cover in more detail

  • When I created the sink the CTAS statement did a lot of heavy lifting in terms of its potential power, and I'm going to discuss that some more below
  • I presented my working Iceberg deployment as a fait accompli, when in reality it was the output of rather a lot of learning and random jiggling until I got it to workโ€”so I'm going to explain that bit too.

All the power of SQL ๐Ÿ’ช

Let's have a look at this innocuous CTAS that we ran above:

CREATE TABLE t_i_orders WITH (
	  'connector' = 'iceberg',
	  'warehouse' = 's3a://warehouse',
	  'hive-conf-dir' = './conf')
  AS SELECT * FROM t_k_orders;

It's doing several things, only one of which is particularly obvious:

  1. The obvious: creating a table with a bunch of Iceberg properties
  2. Less obvious (1): defining the schema for the Iceberg table implicitly as matching that of the source <span class="inline-code">t_k_orders</span>
  3. Less obvious (2): populating the Iceberg table with an unmodified stream of records fetched from Kafka

Looking at that final point though, we could do so much more. How about filtering for orders with a high cost value?

CREATE TABLE t_i_orders WITH (
	  'connector' = 'iceberg',
	   FROM t_k_orders
	  WHERE cost > 100;

Or customers who are VIPs?

CREATE TABLE t_i_orders WITH (
	  'connector' = 'iceberg',
       FROM t_k_orders 
      WHERE customerId IN (SELECT customerId 
				             FROM customers 
				            WHERE vip_status = 'Gold');

-- Do the same thing but using JOINs
CREATE TABLE t_i_orders WITH (
	  'connector' = 'iceberg',
  AS SELECT ko.* 
       FROM t_k_orders ko
		    customers c
		    ON ko.customerId = c.customerId
      WHERE c.vip_status = 'Gold';

We can also project a different set of columns, perhaps to extract just a subset of the fields needed for optimisation reasons:

CREATE TABLE t_i_orders WITH (
	  'connector' = 'iceberg',
  AS SELECT orderId, product, cost
       FROM t_k_orders;

Finally, we don't have to use CTAS. Perhaps you simply want to decouple the creation from the population, or you want to have multiple streams populating the same sink and keeping things separate is more logical. The above two examples combined might look like this:

-- Create the Iceberg sink. 
-- Using the LIKE syntax we can copy across the schema.
-- N.B. no data is sent to it at this point
CREATE TABLE t_i_orders WITH (
	  'connector' = 'iceberg',
	  'warehouse' = 's3a://warehouse',
	  'hive-conf-dir' = './conf')
  LIKE t_k_orders;

-- Now, send data to it
INSERT INTO t_i_orders
	   FROM t_k_orders
	  WHERE cost > 100;

-- Send more data to it
INSERT INTO t_i_orders
SELECT ko.* 
       FROM t_k_orders ko
		    customers c
		    ON ko.customerId = c.customerId
      WHERE c.vip_status = 'Gold';

The <span class="inline-code">INSERT</span> statements are streaming jobs that run continuously, as can be seen from the <span class="inline-code">SHOW JOBS</span> output:

|                           job id |                                                job name |   status |              start time |
| 949b0010858fdc29f5176b532b77dc50 | insert-into_default_catalog.default_database.t_i_orders |  RUNNING | 2024-07-01T15:47:01.183 |
| 66f2277aee439ae69ad7300a86725947 | insert-into_default_catalog.default_database.t_i_orders |  RUNNING | 2024-07-01T15:46:29.247 |

Finally, you could even combine the two <span class="inline-code">INSERT</span>s with a <span class="inline-code">UNION</span>:

INSERT INTO t_i_orders
	   FROM t_k_orders
	  WHERE cost > 100
SELECT ko.* 
       FROM t_k_orders ko
		    customers c
		    ON ko.customerId = c.customerId
      WHERE c.vip_status = 'Gold';

This gives us a single Flink job that looks like this:

Iceberg table properties

There are various properties that you can configure for an Iceberg table. In my example above I just specified the bare minimum and let everything else use its default.

You can specify additional properties when you create the table. For example, to change the format of the data files from the default of Parquet to ORC, set the <span class="inline-code">write.format.default</span>:

CREATE TABLE iceberg_test WITH (
    'connector' = 'iceberg',
    'warehouse' = 's3a://warehouse',
    'hive-conf-dir' = './conf',

Which when populated stores the data, as expected, in ORC format:

โฏ docker exec mc bash -c \
        "mc ls -r minio/warehouse/"
[2024-07-01 10:41:49 UTC]   398B STANDARD default_database.db/iceberg_test/data/00000-0-023674bd-dc7d-4249-8c50-8c1238881e57-00001.orc

You can also change the value after creation:

Flink SQL> ALTER TABLE iceberg_test SET ('write.format.default'='avro');
[INFO] Execute statement succeed.

or reset it to its default value:

Flink SQL> ALTER TABLE iceberg_test RESET ('write.format.default');
[INFO] Execute statement succeed.

Iceberg dependencies for Flink

As I explored (at length ๐Ÿ˜…) in several previous articles, you often need to add dependencies to Flink for it to work with other technologies. Whether it's formats (such as Parquet), catalogs (such as Hive), or connectors (such as Iceberg), juggling JARs is one of the most fun aspects of running Flink yourself. Of course, if you don't enjoy that kind of fun, you could just let Decodable do it for you.


To use Iceberg you need to have a catalog metastore. Catalogs in Flink can be a bit hairy to understand at first, but have a read of this primer that I wrote for a gentle yet thorough introduction to them.ย 

Iceberg can work with different catalogs (I explore several of them here), and in this blog article I've used the Hive Metastore (HMS).

To use the Hive metastore with Flink you need the Hive connector <span class="inline-code">flink-sql-connector-hive-3.1.3</span> which you can find on Maven repositoryโ€”make sure you use the correct one for your version of Flink.

As well as the Hive connector, you need Hadoop dependencies. I wrote about this elsewhere but you either install the full Hadoop distribution, or cherry-pick just the JARs needed.

You also need to configure <span class="inline-code">conf/hive-site.xml</span> so that Flink can find the Hive MetaStore:



Iceberg JARs

Iceberg support in Flink is provided by the <span class="inline-code">iceberg-flink-runtime</span> JAR. As with the catalog JAR, make sure you line up your versionsโ€”so in this case both Iceberg and Flink. For Iceberg 1.5.0 and Flink 1.18 I used iceberg-flink-runtime-1.18-1.5.0.jar

Object Store (S3)

Finally, since we're writing to data on S3-compatible MinIO, we need the correct JARs for that. I'm using <span class="inline-code">s3a</span>, which is provided by hadoop-aws-3.3.4.jar.ย 

Flink will also need to know how to authenticate to S3, and in the case of MinIO, how to find it. One way to do this is supply these details as part of <span class="inline-code">conf/hive-site.xml</span>:





Want the easy route?

(Of course, the really easy route is to use Decodable, where we do all of this for you. ๐Ÿ˜)

I've shared on the Decodable examples GitHub repo the following:

  • a Docker Compose so that you can run all of this yourself just by running <span class="inline-code">docker compose up</span>
  • a list of the specific JAR files that I used
  • and moreโ€ฆsample SQL statements, step-by-step README, and some other noodling around with Iceberg and catalogs for good measure.

What if you get in a jam with your JARs?

Here are the various errors (usually a <span class="inline-code">ClassNotFoundException</span>, but not always) that you can expect to see if you miss a JAR from your dependencies. The missing JAR shown is based on the following versions:

  • Flink 1.18
  • Hive 3.1.3
  • Iceberg 1.5.0
  • Hadoop 3.3.4

You can find out more here about locating the correct JAR to download and where to put it once you've downloaded it.

Error Missing JAR
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException aws-java-sdk-bundle-1.12.648.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.configuration2.Configuration commons-configuration2-2.1.1.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory commons-logging-1.1.3.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.NoSuchObjectException flink-sql-connector-hive-3.1.3_2.12-1.18.1.jar
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
Prevents the Flink jobmanager and taskmanager starting if not present, only happens if flink-sql-connector-hive-3.1.3_2.12-1.18.1.jar is present.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem not found hadoop-aws-3.3.4.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration hadoop-common-3.3.4.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.HdfsConfiguration hadoop-hdfs-client-3.3.4.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf hadoop-mapreduce-client-core-3.3.4.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: hadoop-shaded-guava-1.1.1.jar
org.apache.flink.table.api.ValidationException: Could not find any factory for identifier 'iceberg' that implements 'org.apache.flink.table.factories.DynamicTableFactory' in the classpath. Available factory identifiers are: blackhole datagen [โ€ฆ] iceberg-flink-runtime-1.18-1.5.0.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.codehaus.stax2.XMLInputFactory2 stax2-api-4.2.1.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: woodstox-core-5.3.0.jar
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.datanucleus.NucleusContext This is a really fun oneโ€”I got it when Iโ€™d not configured hive.metastore.local in Flinkโ€™s conf/hive-site.xml


I've shown you in this blog post how to stream data from Kafka to Iceberg using purely open source tools. I used MinIO for storage, but it would work just the same with S3. The catalog I used was Hive Metastore, but there are othersโ€”such as AWS Glue.

If you want to try it out for yourself head to the GitHub repository, and if you want to try loading data from Kafka to Iceberg but don't fancy running Flink for yourself sign up for a free Decodable account today and give our fully managed service a go.

๐Ÿ“ซ Email signup ๐Ÿ‘‡

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Robin Moffatt

Robin is a Principal DevEx Engineer at Decodable. He has been speaking at conferences since 2009 including QCon, Devoxx, Strata, Kafka Summit, and ร˜redev. You can find many of his talks online and his articles on the Decodable blog as well as his own blog.

Outside of work, Robin enjoys running, drinking good beer, and eating fried breakfastsโ€”although generally not at the same time.

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